Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:
Today, the Old Dominion University Board of Visitors released to the public the full report of the independent law firm that was engaged to review the sexual misconduct allegations against a former visiting professor stemming from events that began in 2010 and concerns about the University's recent response to media coverage regarding the prior incidents. Additionally, the Board provided a statement regarding the report, the incident, and the path forward.
In releasing the full report, Rector Bradley expressed the University's regret for what happened, how it was handled at the time, and the manner in which the University responded in the media. I fully agree with the Rector's remarks, and I applaud the Board's decision to make the report public.
It is of the utmost importance that everyone in our Monarch family, as well as parents who may be considering sending their children here, and individuals who may be considering coming to work here, understands that this is a caring and supportive campus. We will not tolerate sexual misconduct, and we are committed, as exemplified by our "Start By Believing" initiative, to ensure that all individuals feel safe and empowered to report incidents.
We all have it within us to ensure a safe and secure campus for ourselves and each other. Let's treat others as we want to be treated. Let's recognize and respect boundaries. And, let's speak up if we see someone being mistreated. Please know that, if you need to report misconduct, the ODU Police Department, the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity, and other administrators will believe you, support you, and ensure that the matter is thoroughly and fairly investigated.
Most of all, please do not hesitate to utilize counseling and other support services. Students are encouraged to e-mail or call the Office of Counseling Services at 757-683-4401. Faculty and staff are encouraged to utilize the Employee Assistance Program. Employees should visit for additional information.
I hope that the members of our Monarch family who were directly impacted by the Bailey matter, both those still on campus and those who have left campus since that time, find some healing and closure in the findings of the report and in the expressions of regret on behalf of the University. And, I hope all of us learn important lessons from this unfortunate experience and recommit ourselves to making ODU a welcoming and safe place for all.
Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D.